Burglar Alarms

We offer a comprehensive range of security & electrical services for residential properties at a reasonable price.

Residential Security Services

Residential security services & electrical installation for business

The number 1 choice for security systems, electrical installation, maintenance and certification for residential properties.
Sussex Security & Electrical specialise in providing the latest in Intruder Alarms technology for both businesses and residential properties. Recognising the significant benefits of installing a new up-to-date Intruder Alarm system we can provide our customers with a sense of peace and reassurance. Alarm systems can now do so much more than just detecting intruders. Since the introduction of smart capabilities, the new smart system can, notify you of intruders, detect fires, detect vehicle tampering and even allow you to turn on electrical items (lights, radio’s etc) from anywhere in the world just by using the state-of-the-art intruder alarm APP. These systems can also be adapted for “pet friendly” movement.

This is a HUGE benefit for people who live busy lives, or perhaps live in a rural area or for businesses who need to protect their plant and site equipment from afar.

By taking proactive measures to safeguard your business or home and loved ones, we will work closely with you to provide you with a security system tailored to meet your needs and help deter potential threats.

Residential Security Services

Residential security & electrical services in Sussex

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